Being healthy
is simple and cheap but it isn’t easy . It is the product of good habits over time. That’s it.
Celebrities like Joe Rogan and Peter Attia spend millions on stem cells and steroids to become immortal mongoloid super humans. For instance I heard Joe Rogan has a clone of himself he harvests for fresh organs and that’s a fact.
For those of us who can’t spend 12 hours a day in a hyperbolic chamber I have derived an everyman longevity formula that hopefully can apply to anyone. Let me know what you think of it and hit the like if you enjoyed!
Cooking your own meals makes being healthy cheap. My food bill is a fraction of what it would be if I bought lunch every day or pre-made meals and in my opinion it’s way tastier and fulfilling once you get the hang of it. I eat like a king for around 40 euro a week. I make all my favourite meals and discover new ones all the time. My algorithm is way more wholesome too. It’s full of southern milfs giving their favourite recipes that feed their family for a week but lasts me three days.
Finding the time to cook is extremely rewarding and once you find meals you like and cook them a few times it becomes enjoyable and easy. It’s become a new hobby of mine and I’m going to link a few of my go-to favourites below.
Gordon Ramsey- shepherd’s pie
Chilli chicken con carne dish
Stuffed peppers
1.Cut bell peppers in half
2.Insert cooked chicken thighs
3. Stuff with feta
4.Put in the oven for around 30 minutes
5.Enjoy (nice with buffalo hot sauce)
Chilli pasta
Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is when you only eat during an 8-10 hour feeding period throughout the day.
I go to sleep at 11 and I eat all my meals between 12-8 . That’s very manageable. It just takes a bit of getting used to. Once you do there are some amazing benefits like :
1. Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
2. Cellular Repair
3. Improved Insulin Sensitivity
4. Brain Health
5. Reduced cancer risk
6. Weight management : try get fat intermittent fasting. I dare you.
Smoothie/fruit and nuts
The gut biome has been described as the second brain. There are anywhere between 100 to 600 million neurons. Which is the same amount as the brain of an ostrich. You need to look after this second brain and to do that you need to feed it good nutritious food. Fruit, nuts, vegetables and natural yogurt. It may sound like a big task to get these all into your diet but it becomes simple with a blender. Benefits of a healthy biome include:
1. Enhanced Digestion and Nutrient Absorption
2. Strengthened Immune System
3. Reduced Inflammation
4. Improved Mental Health
5. Reduced Anxiety and Depression
6. Weight Management
7. Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases
There is so much noise around vitamins. It has to be the industry with the most snake oil salesmen. I like to keep it simple. I don’t take a multivitamin because I have a balanced diet. I take vitamin D because you can only get it from sunlight and I live in Ireland and the sun doesn’t exist here. I take 400mg of magnesium per day for sleep. I take two 750 mg fish oil capsules that are extra potent in the omega 3 fatty acids EHA and DHA. These two are what give the brain and heart health benefits but they are often under dosed in regular fish oil supplements. The one I bought in Holland & Barret only had 180mg EPA and 120mg DHA. To get the anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant benefits of EPA a dose of 1000mg – 3000mg is required. Just search high dose EPA fish oil and there will be a supplier for your area.
I also take creatine and protein with my smoothie but this is just for sport performance and recovery.
Exercise/ Being social:
This is obvious, we all know we need to exercise. I don’t exercise to get ripped because I’m definitely not. I do it mainly for my mental health. If I don’t exercise daily I get depressed. Simple as that. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy . If you’re too tired to run, go on a long walk. It improves sleep, mood , sex, basically everything. Just do it !
Organised sports/activity
Join a team of something you enjoy. It’s a great way to stay fit and make friends. I never want to go to training but after it’s finished I feel great. I get my daily dose of exercise and socialising in one. I write about it more here . Also you’ll exert yourself a lot more doing something you enjoy rather than just going for a run.
Spending time with loved ones and friends is extremely important for our overall health. Another reason to join an organised sports team is that it is a great way to make friends. If you don’t want to play sports . Find an activity you like and make friends there . It could be a writing or knitting club, absolutely anything. Just make sure to get out and socialise. Also for god’s sake ring your mother !
Zone 2 cardio
It is recommended we get 200 minutes of zone 2 cardio a week. That may seem like a lot but you can work it into your daily activities. It’s easy for me because I’m a loser and don’t have a car. Zone 2 cardio is cardio that is slightly higher than a leisurely stroll. You should be exerting yourself but still be able to hold conversation. You can try be more active during you daily activities and do a long very light jog once a week and you’ll be fine.
Hitting this goal is extremely important for longevity and the benefits include and are not limited to:
1. Improved Aerobic Capacity
2. Increased Fat Burning
3. Enhanced Mitochondrial Function
4. Improved Endurance
5. Better Recovery
6. Cardiovascular Health
7. Metabolic Health
8. Stress Reduction
9. Foundation for Other Training
The intangibles:
Tea not coffee
I don’t know about you but I’m sick of grind culture. I have a job and I do it well but I’m not getting hoped up on caffeine anymore for nobody. I switched 200mg energy drinks for 20mg green tea and my life is so much calmer. My anxiety levels have hit an all-time low, it feels amazing . You know that feeling you get after you have a normal conversation and you think’ I was definitely so weird there, they hate me ‘, well, I don’t get that anymore . It’s amazing I’m just relaxed. I drink green tea until around 12/1 so the caffeine doesn’t affect my sleep then I switch to non-caffeine tea like ginger and lemon which is good for the gut and then I finish the day with camomile which is good for sleep. I highly recommend you to slow down and switch from coffee to tea.
Escape you phone
I wrote about this more in depth here . If you want to be your own person and lower your anxiety then getting off your phone is a must. Go outside, touch grass.
If you have access to a sauna, use it . Simple as that . According to the Stanford centre on longevity. The risk of mortality from all causes was reduced by 40% in frequent sauna users compared to infrequent users. Wtf ! 40% lower risk of death by any cause compared to those who don’t use the sauna frequently. If that doesn’t persuade you I don’t know what else will.
Also if that wasn’t enough here is a list of some of the other benefits.
1. Improved Cardiovascular Health
2. Improved blood circulation
3. Reduced blood pressure
4. Muscle relaxation and pain relief
5. Skin health
6. Weight loss
7. Stress reduction
8. Improved mood
9. Improved sleep
10. Improved immune function
11. Reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease
Find a sauna !
Cold showers
They suck for a while then you get used to them and there are clear and obvious benefits including:
Boosts Circulation
Improves Recovery and Reduces Muscle Soreness
Enhances Mental Resilience
Increases Alertness
Strengthens Immune Function
Promotes Fat Loss
Improves Skin and Hair
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Supports Better Sleep
Enhances Mood
Sleep (duh):
I used to struggle a lot with sleep. Whenever I was 13 I got a phone and immediately my sleep and therefore life got worse. I used to stay up until 3/4 watching Minecraft hunger games and then have to get up for school the next morning. I did this for years and eventually it started to have a lasting negative effect on my sleep. I started to find it extremely hard to fall asleep. Then in my first year of college I discovered weed which seemed to cure me. Then I became dependant on weed for sleep. When I would go home to work on the weekends I would have terrible insomnia . Then I’d have to do a 12 hour shift with zero sleep. It was extremely unhealthy and the lack of sleep and abundance of weed was affecting my mental health terribly.
I had to fix it I was a shell of a man.
And it turned out it was simple.
Not easy.
1. I get up at 7 everyday no matter what. The first 4/5 days of this is terrible. Whenever I woke up that first morning at 7 instead of 11 I felt like I got flash banged.
However this is a hard rule . No excuses . I used to try give myself a why to get up like ‘ I’ll be more productive’ or ‘I’ll feel better in the long run’. This never worked because I would just stay in bed telling myself ‘ I’ll be less productive if I’m tired and in a worse mood’ . So the new thing I tell myself is ‘ I get up at 7 ’ and that’s it. No existential reasoning. I get up at 7 and that’s it.
Don’t worry what time you go to bed at, if you’re getting up at the same early time every day you will begin to get tired at the same time every evening and fall asleep around the same time.
2. Exercise daily. Theres no better pillow than fatigue. Make sure to exercise daily to sleep like a baby.
3. No screen an hour before bed. Personally I read a book before bed. Light fiction is perfect for drifting off to sleep.
4. I don’t drink any liquids 4 hours before bed to avoid too much pissing.
5. Also don’t eat 4 hours before you sleep.
6. Have a cup of camomile tea and a magnesium tablet before bed. Both shown to improve sleep.
There you have it.
With these steps and ingredients you can alchemise your own philosophers stone and live to over 100. Definitely, 100% guaranteed….
This is just my own health stack. If yours is better or you have any tips or things I missed please, please get in touch directly or in the comments below and let me know how I can improve.